Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer: A Different Disease

Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer: A Different Disease

It is estimated that 10-15% of breast cancer patients have Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer (ILC), but some of the unique biological aspects, it’s presentation and behaviors are not well known.

We are pleased to provide access to a one hour long webinar presented by Susan G. Komen on ILC. The webinar features ILC researcher Dr. Steff Oesterreich and Patient Advocate Leigh Pate. Dr. Oesterreich discusses the general features of ILC, distinct clinical features, imaging challenges, treatment response and unique sites of metastasis. You’ll learn why, as advocates, it may be important to incorporate ILC into your breast cancer research proposals. The webinar also explores advocate opportunities in patient and provider education. This is a great educational piece to add to your advocacy tool box.

You can access the recording directly at YouTube. Photo from Dr. Steffi Oesterreich.