Making Our Voices Heard

Making Our Voices Heard

As patient advocates, we can always become stronger leaders as we strive to hone our research, lobbying and communication skills in the fight against breast cancer. The National Breast Cancer Coalition’s (NBCC) Advocate Leadership Summit in Washington D.C. is an excellent opportunity for doing just that. Every spring, breast cancer advocates from all 50 states and around the world participate in this exciting event to learn about the most up-to-date information on scientific research, public health policy and the ever-changing political landscape. Some examples of plenary session topics this year will be “The Breast Cancer Treatment Landscape – What’s on the Horizon?” or “Advocacy in the New Political Climate”. The three-day meeting culminates in an impactful session of lobbying on the Hill with your state team leader.

No prior experience is needed to participate in or reap the benefits of this conference. Patient advocates, uniting for the common cause of ending breast cancer, are a powerful force. Unleashing this force in order to influence our political representatives to act for the greater good is a concrete example of democracy at work. Please register today for the 2019 NBCC Advocate Leadership Summit, taking place from April 27-30. Participants can register directly or learn how to set up a fundraising page to cover their conference and travel fees. To learn more about the Summit, please visit NBCC’s website today!

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