Breast Cancer Care & Research Fund


For those looking for additional information on breast cancer, here are several organizations specializing in the disease’s research and treatment. Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program City of Hope’s Breast Cancer Clinical Program Environmental Working Group Silent Spring Institute Zero Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Prevention Partners: Exposing the Cause …


A Absorb/absorption: to take in; taking up of liquids by solids; passage of a substance through some surface of the body into body fluids and tissues ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone (or corticotrophin); a polypeptide hormone secreted by the pituitary gland; part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis Adipogenesis: the formation of fat or …

Becoming an Advocate

There are many ways to become an advocate and to take action. If you are interested in becoming a trained advocate in research, public policy or support, the following resources will help you. Science/Research Advocates are working with researchers on the development of grant proposals and their research. Advocates are …

Eat Cookies, Support BCCRF!

Cookie Good, whose generosity has helped enable BCCRF’s work to continue year after year, has always been one of our strongest supporters. This October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cookie Good has created a (mostly) pretty-in-pink cookie box that not only looks and tastes good but will also …