Call Your Senators Today to Protect the ACA

Call Your Senators Today to Protect the ACA

Edited: Thanks to your efforts and those of so many other concerned citizens, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was not repealed this summer. Please continue to reach out to your Congress members and continue to demand that health care be made available to all Americans, regardless of condition.


The Senate Republican leadership in Washington, D.C. is writing a new health care bill behind closed doors. While we do not know the specifics of their legislation, we do know that it would remove key protections the Affordable Care Act (ACA) put in place nationwide allowing people with pre-existing conditions to get affordable coverage and will allow insurers to charge higher premiums for older Americans. It is very similar to the House passed bill.

Call your Senators today and deliver this message:

I am calling to urge Senator _______ to not take away our health care. Oppose any bill that would:

  • increase the number of people without insurance
  • decrease protections for people with pre-existing conditions
  • end the Medicaid expansion or
  • destroy the Medicaid program as we know it.

Stop trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Lives depend on it and women and men with, and at risk of, breast cancer are watching.

To find your senator’s phone number, go to




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