BCCRF Takes Its Place on the NBCC Board

BCCRF Takes Its Place on the NBCC Board

We are very proud to announce that as of January 2018, the BCCRF now has a seat on the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) Board of Directors. The NBCC is a broad coalition of national, state, regional and local advocacy organizations that are all working together to achieve the Breast Cancer Deadline 2020 mission: to know how to end breast cancer by January 1, 2020. The Board brings together a nationwide network of strong and diverse voices whose responsibilities include establishing and prioritizing public policy and legislative initiatives to further this goal. We at the BCCRF are constantly seeking new ways to educate the public on breast cancer, research, clinical trials and advocacy. Our most fervent wish, however, is for our organization to one day become obsolete due to the eradication of this widespread disease.

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